Featured On Episode 23 of GuitCast! Thank you to Shawn and Corbs for taking the time to talk shop about my equipment and history. You can find them at:
I contributed music for the DVD companion to the best-selling book, 'The Mystery of the Shemitah Unlocked' by Johnathan Cahn. The DVD is currently #1 in Amazon's Faith & Spirituality…
Thank you Mark Markel and Phillip Pemberton at Analysis Plus for 'Genesis Pure' Instrument Cable! I've used the 'Dark Chocolate' Cable for years but after a couple of months I…
New HD video! Russ Hewitt "Libertango" by Astor Piazzolla recorded LIVE at Fusion Bible Church. Please visit www.russhewittmusic.com for shows, music, and more! Lead guitar - Russ Hewitt Drums…
My interview with Greg Howe is out now in the latest issue of The Sound Guitar Magazine. Greg is featured on the cover with additional interviews from Alessandro Benvenuti, Blues…
The Sound Guitar Magazine Volume 13 is out! Interviews with Marty Friedman, Marco Sfogli and Dario Chiazzolino along with transcriptions and lessons from myself and many others. Get you free…
Just received my Telly Awards for original music compositions for Parent Compass under the Motivational and Religion/Spirituality categories. An additional three Telly's were won for 'Harbinger Decoded' in which i…